What We Do

Why Girls Rock Math Works

Getting Real with Girls Rock Math

At Girls Rock Math we reinforce that math is fun and imaginative. We aim to boost interest and confidence in mathematics. Learning at Girls Rock Math allows for collaboration, emphasizing persistence, strategy building and mathematical thinking.

Meaningful Material

Girls Rock Math camps are thematic and imaginative. Girls become motivated by projects that are meaningful and explore topics that interest them. When it is relevant to their own interests, girls become even more engaged in STEAM! This kind math becomes a powerful problem solving tool, which girls will take with them to their school experience and beyond.
(Liston, Peterson & Ragan, 2008, Lyon & Jafri, 2010; Mostache, Matloff-Nieves, Kekelis, & Lawner, 2013; Patrick, Mantzicopoulos & Samarapungavan, 2009; Thompson & Windschitl; 2005)

Creative Thinking

Girls Rock Math integrates visual arts, music, and language arts into every program. The girls gain enrichment in content that broadens their understanding of the world. Not only do we infuse the arts into all of our camps, but our approach to mathematics is creative in nature. Girls investigate ideas using creative problem-solving, and open-ended projects allow for a wide array of thinkers and learners to explore and share knowledge.
(Calabrese Barton et al., 2013; Calabrese Barton, Tan & Rivet, 2008; Eisenhart & Finkel; 1998; Lyon & Jafri, 2010)

Positive Role-Models

Our intern-counselor program and fantastic staff and teachers provide our campers with a set of positive role-models that can help inspire and motivate the girls, especially when they can see that these young women are themselves interested and focused on STEAM in their own lives. These role-models not only broadens the girls' view of who does math, but helps the girls see what's possible in their own lives as they grow up!
(Holmes, Redmond, Thomas & High, 2012; Liston, Peterson & Ragan, 2008; Lyon & Jafri, 2010; Mostache et al., 2013; Weber, 2011)

Social Learning

By playing games, solving problems, and working together, the girls build connections not only to the material, but to one another. Collaboration helps build confidence, not only in math but in themselves. By explaining their thinking, sharing ideas, and learning from one another, girls have the opportunity to build self-esteem and see themselves as part of a community of math learners. Everyone learns more when they are having fun and surrounded by (new and old) friends.
(Parker & Rennie, 2002; Scantlebury & Baker, 2007; Wener & Denner, 2009)

Wait, so you really make math FUN?

You are probably familiar with the ways your daughter is taught in school and might be anticipating a similar learning experience in camp. While the girls are indeed learning many new ideas, concepts, and lessons in math, history, and science, it is not always happening in the way that teaching happens at school. That is part of camp's charm, of course: camp makes math FUN, and while lots of our girls really love math, even they don't want to feel like they're in "school" while they're at camp. Girls Rock Math offers a week of projects and mathematical experiences, as opposed to directed lessons, worksheets, quizzes and tests. Each activity is designed to stretch campers' concept of math and encourage in each girl a deeper relationship with these topics.

By offering experiential education, our camp contributes to meaningful learning experiences for each child. As an arts-based math camp, projects such as fashion designing, creating codes and exploring the beauty of numbers in nature inspire creativity as they explore mathematical concepts. As campers work in their small groups throughout the day, combining shared knowledge to make sense of new games, numbers, and ideas, girls learn the reward of collaboration. When we tackle big ideas such as infinity, Fibonacci numbers, career possiblities, or the gender gap in STEM, we are pushing these concepts to their limits and seeing what happens when we challenge them. In doing so, Girls Rock Math fosters in each camper critical thinking. What's more, when campers get a chance to discuss these ideas with their teachers, peers, and counselors in both large and smaller settings, campers learn the importance and benefit of communication.

In the camp environment, we get the unique opportunity to allow thinkers to explore holistic understandings of topics by offering them experiences in which they can interact with these topics in many different ways. We are excited for another summer of projects, experiments, and games which allow for such rich learning experiences that truly offer our curious and bright girls an opportunity for meaningful learning.

Ready to See Us in Action?